
Showing posts from May, 2022

8 Ways Technology Is Helping The Environment

There is no doubt that information technology has had a profound impact on the environment and human health. From reducing energy consumption to helping us in tracking our carbon footprints, information technology has become an invaluable tool in our fight to protect the planet. The role of information technology in the environment and human health is diverse and multi-layered. In this article, we will explore 8 ways that information technology is helping to preserve our environment and safeguard human health. 1. Improved Communication Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash The advancement of technology has allowed the world to connect to each other in ways mankind has never seen before. Alexander Graham Bell pioneered the telephonic connectivity back in 1876. The world has advanced fast since then. Now we can see, talk, text our loved ones at ease with the help of internet connectivity. Our social and corporate lives have been transformed. 2. Cleaner Energy Production Imag